so here i am again lacking much needed sleep....and now blogging when i should probably be taking a nap. i have a headache, nausea, and my eyes feel like they've enlarged to the size of hacky sacks and are attempting protrusion from their original state. so all in all, not having quite a grandiose far as it goes. however, i did get another amazing email this morning and should be expecting another letter in the mail any day....which means that i'm willing to suffer through the discomfort that sleep depravation will induce if it means that i can stay up to daydream some more about my mr. wonderful....which is inevitable if i'm awake at all. :) he's writing me a poem....oh so romantic, eh? i feel like i'm in the midst of a jane austen novel...he is the perfect mixture of mr. darcy and mr. bingley from pride & prejudice--not too overly positive, and not too serious, either. i have learned things about myself from him...which is an interesting concept. he has reached a part of me that no one else has ever been able to reach, not even myself. he penetrates to the core of my being, to the innermost portion of my heart, and to the most intimate thresholds of my mind. he is quite amazing.
along with the every day theme of my there has been a new element added to the mix: my love for this new change in weather! the cooling temperatures have given me renewed encouragement...they make me want to hustle and bustle around town just so i can bask in the glory of this climactic weather! fall weather always makes me want to go and buy new parchment along with coal black ink pens so that i can take notes on all the is around me. it makes me want to go to the market and buy fresh vegetables and spices in order to prepare the perfect dinner while the breeze flows through the open windows of my home and into my cozy kitchen. i get this urge to start decorating for the change of seasons with oranges and reds and jewel-toned sage greens and to go and look for hall-o-ween costumes and pumpkins to put on the porch at the top of the stairs that lead down to the sidewalk. fall always seems to me to be the real time for new beginnings. of course january is the obvious new-starting point, but fall is so conducive to's almost impossible not to follow the example of the transforming leaves and attempt to become a more beautiful version of ourselves, as well.

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